A little report of ISGD2

[ISGD2 = International Sunflower Guerrilla Day 2]
Here is a little a bit of news from the front outside Belgium.
Dave, from Osagegroup, Illinoy, USA, has posted some pictures on his blog.
"The dancing butterlfly" has written a nice little story about her sunflower plantation with her children. Read the full story here.
And Ben, from London, has been planting on New Kent road. He wrote and posted pictures about it on the Guerrilla Gardening forum.
More news from London will be coming soon, since I had the chance to be there on 1 May and see Richard's guerrilla gardening group in action.
If you want to share your experience of the International Sunflower Guerrilla Day 2, please, use the Guerrilla Gardening forum or mail us at brussels.farmer@gmail.com
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